A Few Things About Me and This Blog...
I started writing to challenge my negative beliefs about myself, particularly regarding my lack of creativity or discipline.
One of the central questions I seek to to answer in my work is "How do I succeed (particularly as a new writer) in spite of my shortcomings?" In this vein, I will identify and examine some of my shortcomings and other roadblocks to my success—hopefully inspiring others to do the same. This journey, while highly personal, should benefit others through practical, actionable discussion.
I hope to share my love of fantasy fiction and other aspects of my life in this blog as well.
About Me
Creator of merickvaughn.com.
Software engineer/manager
R&B lover
Future author
Tennis player (3.5 - 4.0, singles preferred)
Video gamer (RPGs and platformers)
Board gamer (resource management & deck-building games)
Card gamer (Spades, Pinochle, Cribbage, and more)
Other Projects and Interests
Appendix - as I learn and study, I wish to share with others the resources that I found most beneficial to my personal development. These may become individual articles or a separate section of the website entirely.
Fitness - weightlifting has been an essential part of my body re-composition journey. I love reading about it, watching it, and doing it. I have recently taken an interest in finding novel ways to build and maintain conditioning—a must for tennis players specializing in singles.
Journaling - this is the cornerstone of my personal development journey—per the phrase, "what gets measured gets managed." I love metrics and analysis, which will be used to discuss what is useful to me and what isn't.
Food - I like to eat, and I like to be able to cook the things I want to eat. It can be difficult to balance performance eating with pleasure eating (the latter being a habit that I am always interested in minimizing for health and vanity’s sake).
Act Now
Most of my content is shared on this very blog—a selection of these articles are also posted on Medium. If you wish to receive free updates, sign up for my mailing list!