Merick Vaughn @ Medium
The Writer’s Round-up
The writer’s round-up is a weekly column that provides reflection, advice, and articles relevant to the skills I want to develop as a writer: reading, writing, blogging, and marketing.
Blogging & Marketing
RT @robinhobb: I believe that older writers, like me, have a duty to pass on the secrets and the tricks of the trade that have ser…
I spent a month reworking outline templates and outlining. Not sure if I feel bad about it. #WritingCommunity…
RT @DavidGaughran: I've been writing about how to self-publish for exactly ten years - 🍰happy blogaversary to me! - and I've collected…
I'm honored to be mentioned by @DavidMajister here; do consider following him and the other Medium writers he lists.
March: a paradigm shift, a critique revolution, and someone stealing my articles. My least productive month in word…
RT @DavidGaughran: I get the whole concept behind "don't email them while mad" but how do you actually do it? Glue your hands to the c…
March: I stopped writing, had a paradigm shift, started writing again, and had an article stolen from me. My least…
Hey, #WritingCommunity. Anyone here had there content scraped from #Medium and posted somewhere else?…
RT @rolanddenzel: It's surprising how many authors in Amazon's KDP think they can't take their print to other stores! Why You Might…
RT @JamesClear: The best properties are rarely for sale. The best employees are rarely job hunting. The best teachers are rarely…
This week:
Emotional journey: the key to a memorable story.
Make writing automatic for writing (especially blogging) success.
Differentiate yourself by addressing your audience’s hidden desires.