Story Preview: Knightly Virtues
Falquenne is a disgruntled knight struggling to make ends meet for her family amid post-war chaos. Her pursuit of gainful self-employment is complicated by her a specter of her brother's past.
A Writer’s Journal - 2021.02.02
This week:
Did I find the perfect book to read? Why/why not?
Feedback on “Knightly Virtues” from my critique partner.
Playing the social media game.
A Writer's Retrospective: January 2021
A Writer’s Journal - 2021.01.26
Building upon my first “writing checkpoint” article, I decided to write a weekly column detailing the latest events in my writing adventure.
‘Just Start Writing’, They Said: 90 Days Later
I’m not really a professional writer if my writing hasn’t made any money, right?
Story Preview: Savage Politics
Make It Personal: On Leveraging References and Preferences
Better Living Through Writing
Writing makes thinking, creating, and communicating all easier to do. Here’s how I got started.
Who’s The Better Singer? I Don’t Know, Define “Better.”
Stan wars are the worst. Here some things you can use to defend yourself against the less rabid stans.
Why I Didn’t Want to Start a Blog
I wanted to be a content creator for years, but I spent more time making excuses than brainstorming ideas for content. Here’s how I got over it.