
A Writer's Retrospective: March 2022
What good is writing that doesn’t interest the writer?

A Writer's Retrospective: February 2022
Incremental progress in word and thought—but to what end?

A Writer's Retrospective: January 2022
Practicing my brevity here. Again.

A Writer's Retrospective: December 2021
Writing (or not writing) shouldn’t be a source of shame, right?

A Writer's Retrospective: November 2021
I’ve been preoccupied…with everything but writing, it seems. Is this what writing burn-out looks like?

A Writer's Retrospective: August 2021
It feels good to be able to lose myself in writing again….

A Writer's Retrospective: July 2021
I said I wanted to write a novel. I’ve prepped (procrastinated) as much as I think is reasonable. It’s go time.

A Writer's Retrospective: June 2021
The fourth decade begins…

A Writer's Retrospective: May 2021
The search for better soil takes me to new land—and away from my writing.

A Writer's Retrospective: April 2021
As new life flourishes around me, I find myself going through the motions as I prepare for personal upheaval.

A Writer's Retrospective: March 2021
An unexpected hiatus and the loss of 15-20 hours each week necessitate a significant change in direction.

A Writer's Retrospective: February 2021
December's hope and January's enthusiasm are gone—do you still want to do this?

How Will I Know My Work Is Worth Promoting?
New to writing? Getting cold feet about querying? Find out how much rejection you should endure before giving up on your novel or on writing in general.

The Writer’s Round-up - 2021.02.16
This week:
The real reasons for writer's block
Blog restructuring
Social media optimization

A Writer’s Journal - 2021.02.09
This week:
How a logline can reveal weaknesses in your fiction
Top speed article drafting
Why writers need to have marketing skills

Blank Page, the Writer’s First Hurdle
As someone who often proofreads his own text messages, I still have a lot to learn when it comes to writing without inhibition.

A Writer’s Journal - 2021.02.02
This week:
Did I find the perfect book to read? Why/why not?
Feedback on “Knightly Virtues” from my critique partner.
Playing the social media game.

A Writer's Retrospective: January 2021

A Writer’s Journal - 2021.01.26
Building upon my first “writing checkpoint” article, I decided to write a weekly column detailing the latest events in my writing adventure.

‘Just Start Writing’, They Said: 90 Days Later
I’m not really a professional writer if my writing hasn’t made any money, right?